Lifts Contested and Rules

  1. Cheat Curl with 5' straight bar--1 judge--lifter stands upright at finish of lift--spotters can lower the weight after the "Down" signal.

  2. Strict Curl--backside and upper back must stay in contact with wall. Use 5' bar and 2 judges--spotters can lower the weight after "Down" signal.

  3. Hack Deadlift--1 judge--spotters can lower the weight after "Down" signal.

  4. Trap Bar Deadlift--1 judge--spotters can lower weight after "Down" signal.

  5. 1 Person 1 Finger On Each Hand Deadlift--l judge--spotters can lower weight. Lifter tells spotters to take it or the lifter lowers bar on their own.

  6. 2 Person I Finger On Each Hand Deadlift--2 judge--spotters can lower weight. Head lifter tells spotters to take it or they lower bar on their own. Men, Women, and Mixed Pair (We go with lifters combined bodyweight).
    Combined weight Men:  265 LBS    350 LBS   430 LBS        530 LBS    531 & Over
    Classes:              Light      Middle    Lightheavy     Heavy       Superheavy
    Combined wght Women:  240 LBS    300 LBS   301 & Over
    Classes:              Light      Middle    Heavy
    Combined Mixed Pair:  250 LBS    330 LBS   410 LBS        411 & Over
    Classes:              Light      Middle    Heavy          Unlimited

  7. 2 Person Deadlift--2 judges--spotters can lower weight after "Down" signal. Men, Women, and Mixed Pair (We use same classes--refer to lift #6).

  8. 1 Hand Deadlift--l judge--spotters can lower weight after "Down" signal.

  9. 1 Hand Clean & Jerk--1 judge--spotters can lower weight after "Down" signal.

  10. 1 Hand Jerk No Clean--1 judge--weight is racked by you or spotters.

  11. 2 Hand Jerk No Clean--1 judge--weight is racked by you or spotters.

  12. Power Clean--1 judge--weight is racked by you or spotters after "Down" signal

  13. Seated Military Press--2 judges--you must wait for Press and Down signals. No incline style of pressing will be allowed--we'll explain at meet. Bar must touch collarbone or lower before "Press" signal is given.

  14. Seated Press Behind Neck--2 judges--you must wait for Press and Down signals--bar must touch trap before Press signal is given.

  15. 1 Arm Dumbell Clean and Press--2 judges--you must wait for the Press and Down signals--lifters opposite foot and shoulder must be touching wall or pillar--if anyone goes over a 120 pound dumbell, then go for reps.

  16. Incline Bench Press--2 judges--touch and go style, but you must go at a reasonably slow pace at bottom so judges can be sure you are not bouncing and you must wait for the Rack signal.

  17. Rep Your Weight Class Incline Bench Press--3 judges--touch and go style, but you must go at a reasonably slow pace at bottom of each rep so judges can be sure you are not bouncing and you must go reasonably slow at the top of each rep so judges see lockout and you rack on your own--we'll explain. Note--No bench shirts allowed in the OLSA.

  18. Rep Your Weight Class Bench Press--3 judges--touch and go style, but you must go at a reasonably slow pace at bottom of each rep so judges can be sure you are not bouncing and you must go reasonably slow at the top of each rep so judges see lockout and you rack on your own--we'll explain. Note--No bench shirts allowed in the OLSA.

  19. 1 Arm Snatch--1 judge--spotters can lower weight after "Down" signal.

  20. 2 Person Standing Press--2 judges--the bar is taken from the squat stands. The lifters cannot bend knees prior to pressing--Classes same as lift #6.

  21. Jerk-Press Your Weight Class For Reps--2 judges--lifter must stop at top at least 1 second between reps and the bar must be at collarbone or lower before you start the next rep--lifter cannot move feet (heels can come up).

  22. Jerk From Behind Neck No Clean--l judge--lifter must wait for "Down" signal.

  23. 1 Arm Dumbell Cheat Curl--1 judge--any over the 120 lber will be for reps.

  24. Overhead Bar Squat No Clean--2 judges--bar is taken from squat stands and then Jerked or Pressed overhead--when the lifter is ready, they must squat parallel or below with the bar held overhead--no qrip allowed over 32". Lifter must wait for the "Down" signal.

  25. Kneeling Military Press.--2 judges--lifter must clean weight from the floor and remain kneeling throughout the lift--lifter must wait for the "Press" and "Down" signal, and we do not allow exaggerated layback--we'll explain.

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